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Monday, September 12, 2022

RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITY of 4th Engineer (Third Assistant Engineer):

 RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITY of 4th Engineer (Third Assistant Engineer):


·       The Third Assistant Engineer is responsible to the First Assistant Engineer for normal maintenance duties and the Chief Engineer for watchkeeping duties.            

·       In the absence of the 3A/E, the Chief Engineer shall distribute his responsibilities to 1A/E and 2A/E.

·       He shall assist the 1A/E in carrying out his responsibilities towards the repair and maintenance of engine room machinery and equipment.

·       He shall be responsible to the Chief Engineer for receiving Fuel Oil and Diesel Oil bunkers, taking noon soundings of the fuel oil and diesel oil bunker tanks, and entering them into the Tank Sounding Log.

·       He shall be responsible to the Chief Engineer for the conduct of his assigned watch in a safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible manner.

·       He shall be responsible for the conduct of Engine Room operations in compliance with applicable international and national regulations and Company policies and procedures.





Upon joining a vessel, the 3A/E shall report to the Master and the Chief Engineer.


Through a joint inspection with the outgoing 3A/E, he shall familiarize himself with:

·        The operational status of engine room machinery and equipment;

·        The location and operation of emergency equipment and machinery;

·        Ongoing and scheduled work in the engine room that falls under the 3A/E’s area of responsibility;

·        Inventory of spares and stores under the jurisdiction of the 3A/E, pending requisitions, and requisitions to be prepared shortly.

·        Engine room logs and records, including Tank Sounding Book;

·        The availability of tank calibration tables and ASTM books for the calculations of standard volumes and weights of bunkers on board;

·        The Chief Engineer’s standing instructions.




The 3A/E shall assist the 1A/E and the Chief Engineer, as required, in preparing engine room machinery and equipment to accept stand-by conditions for departure port unmooring operation and subsequent maneuvering and sailing.




Whenever the engine room is manned, the 3A/E will stand watches in the engine room during navigation at sea, at anchor, or in port, according to the following schedule:

·                  0800 – 1200

·                  2000 – 2400

This watch-keeping schedule may be amended by the Chief Engineer, as required, in the interests of optimizing the safety and efficiency of engine room operations. The 3A/E is responsible to the Chief Engineer for the proper conduct of his watch.


While keeping his assigned watches, the 3A/E shall ensure that:

·       Engine room machinery and equipment are operated under the manufacturer’s recommendations;

·       Engine room operations are carried out in compliance with applicable national, and international regulations and Company instructions;

·       Engine room operations are carried out in a safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible manner;

·       Ratings are carrying out their assigned duties.


As the watch-keeping engineer, it shall be his responsibility to fill up the Engine Room Logbook accurately, and with as much detail as is relevant.


As the watch-keeping engineer, it shall be his responsibility to complete any records that may be occasioned by activities or tasks in the engine room, carried out during his watch.




·       The 3A/E will be responsible for the maintenance and repair of pumps, compressors, purifiers, and associated machinery. Additionally, and under the supervision of the Chief Engineer, he shall ensure there are sufficient bunkers in the day tanks.

·       The 3A/E will ensure that all maintenance routines for pumps, compressors, purifiers, and associated machinery are carried out following the schedule identified in the vessel’s PMS.

·       The 3A/E will be responsible for updating the vessel’s PMS with any repair or maintenance routines carried out, on equipment and machinery assigned to him for maintenance and upkeep.

·       The 3A/E will be responsible for the completion of appropriate records occasioned by repair or maintenance activity, carried out on equipment or machinery within his area of responsibility.

·       The 3A/E will assist the Chief Engineer and the vessel’s Superintendent in carrying out repairs or maintenance during a repair and maintenance lay-up period.

·       The 3A/E will assist the Chief Engineer in monitoring work performed by sub-contractors during his watch, with a special view to:

·       Ensuring that the work is carried out safely;

·       Ensuring that the work is carried out in compliance with applicable national, and international regulations and Company procedures;

·       Ensuring that the work is carried out as per specifications.

·       The 3A/E will assist the 3/O in the maintenance of LSA / FFA in the engine room. In the absence of the 3A/E, the 3/O supervised by the Chief Engineer will be responsible for the maintenance of the LSA / FFA in the Engine Room.




·       The 3A/E is responsible for maintaining an inventory of spare parts relevant to the machinery and equipment assigned to him for repair and upkeep.

·       The 3A/E shall exercise control over the engine room crew's wasteful use of stores and spares.

·       The 3A/E shall prepare requisitions for spares, as and when required, for the proper maintenance of equipment and machinery assigned as his responsibility.

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